Well done, Jack!

Jack Mercer

Thank you for 42 years dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Forty-two years leading churches and reaching people for Christ is no small feat; spending them guiding churches in transition to spiritual renewal is even more impressive. As the Psalms say, you trusted, and you did well, Jack!

“Trust in the Lord and do good”

Psalm 37:3 NLT


B.A. Religious Studies, Vanderbilt University

Nasvhille, TN


Summer 1976

Summer Missionary, First Baptist Church

Whitesburg, KY

Summer 1976

Summer 1977

Summer Intern, Highview Baptist Church

Louisville, KY

Summer 1977

1977 - 1979

Weekend Pastor, Hopewell Baptist Church

Lacie, KY

1977 - 1979


Ordained to Gospel Ministry, First Baptist Church

Whitesburg, KY



Master of Divinity, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Louisville, KY


1979 - 1981

Pastor, Sonora Baptist Church

Sonora, KY

1979 - 1981

1982 - 1992

Pastor, Christ Community Church

Waldwick, NJ

1982 - 1992


Doctor of Ministry, Princeton Theological Seminary

Princeton, NJ


1992 - 2004

Pastor, HillSong Church

Chapel Hill, NC

1992 - 2004

2004 - 2013

Pastor, Harrisonburg Baptist Church

Harrisonburg, VA

2004 - 2013

2013 - 2020

Pastor, Church on the Drive

Orlando, FL

2013 - 2020

Thank you, Jack!

As Sandy said, you finished well! We wish you the best in your retirement.

“When we feel like we have blown out and are feeling flat, we have our JACK to help raise us up. When we need to talk out our problems, we can just telephone JACK. If we feel like we are caught on rough seas, we have our crackerJACK! If we can't see the forest for the trees, we have our lumberJACK. If we reach a brick wall, we have our JACKhammer. If we need to cut to the chase with a sharp-minded leader, we will pull out our JACKknife. If we have many, many needs, we can pull out our JACK-of-all-trades. If things get too heated, we can pull out our JACKfrost to cool things down. If we need to 'get out of our box,' we have the original JACK-in-the-box! What about all those Vandy football games? Well, I guess all work and no play makes JACK a dull boy! Calling Jack Mercer as pastor was hitting the JACKpot!”
Karen Folsom

Thank you for teaching us the Gospel in your unique, succinct way

The Gospel in 1 Word


The Gospel in 3 Words

Jesus is Lord

The Gospel in 30 Words

The gospel is good news that God has come to us through Jesus to show us his love, save us from sin, establish God’s kingdom, and shut down inauthentic religion.